At Holy Spirit, we aim to ensure the transition into Year 3 is a smooth and positive experience for all students.

In Term 4 we organise for Year 2 to visit our primary school, to meet their new buddy for the upcoming year and for the students to participate in some learning and playground activities. Parents attend a meeting at 2pm on this transition day to meet and chat with the new principal and hear about primary school life.

Year 3 are well and truly a part of the school community prior to their official first day of school. Throughout the year we gather for many liturgies and Masses where all the children play together and staff can get to know all students from K to 6. Year 3 receive a letter from their Year 6 buddies prior to starting school to ensure that they have at least one special friend on arrival at school. 

Students transitioning to high school are supported by involvement in orientation days at All Saints' College, St Peter’s Campus, Maitland. The classroom teachers and learning support teachers are also available to discuss learning and social needs with representatives of each of the schools our students are transitioning into.
